Monday, December 18, 2006

Travelling with Dad

I don't know how many times exactly I've been travelling with my dad.. After he got stroke from his high blood pressure condition, he had difficulties to move his hand especially the motoric nerves, but overall, he has a good condition so far. Attending my grandma's funeral after she passed away on December 4th, me and dad catch up with mom who already been there since last thursday, and taking last flight to Mataram in Lombok Island. 

We took Garuda as our flight and trust their service, I'm asking for a wheel-chair for my dad, and I never had a problem with that. Waiting for our boarding, we find a massage place and dad gladly take an hour feet massage (refleksi) and I walking around the 2F terminal. I found a SpongeBob collectible box contained 6 books (waaaww... !) and also bought a great book called "As Luck Would Have It".. it tells an incredible stories from lottery wins to lightning strikes survivor.. after buy those books, I went to Rotiboy corner and get 16 of them as ordered by my sister.
After an hour or so, there's a calling for GA 432 passengger to get on board. I told my dad to finish the massage coz I already make promised to Garuda ground crew to be on the spot at 6.30 sharp so we can get in to the plane first. 
(That's one of the privilege if I travelling with dad.. always be the first to be on board ) And we've waited about 20 minutes to get all the passenggers on board as well. 

Serving my dad who quite had a difficulties to eat on the tray is another thing. Well, maybe this is an input for all airplane, to have a wider space for the handicap passengger like my dad.. I'm so happy that my dad choose to travel with me.. even sometimes he can be so annoying with all his orders, but I always always on his side.. no matter how busy I am..
In every prayer, I always ask for my dad great condition, so he can play tennis again, like he used to do before he got sick... Thank you, God.. I still have him around.. Love you, Dad...

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Old Recipe: Macaroni Schotel

Category:   Pasta
Style:   Italian
Special Consideration:   Quick and Easy
Servings:   5-8 persons

My mom's secret recipe for this dish:
Lots and lots of cheese and milk!

500 gr macaroni
250 gr chicken breast, dice or 250 gr minced beef
1 ltr of milk
1 big onion, chopped
1 box of cheddar cheese
3 tbs margarine
2 teaspoon white pepper
2 pinches of salt
1 pinch of sugar
1/2 pinch of oregano
1 full nutmeg, grated
3 egg yolks

rebus makaroni, campur garam dikit, kalo udah bisa dipencet berarti udah mateng, angkat, tiriskan
masak dalam wajan gede, lelehkan margarin, masukin bawang bombay, goreng sampe wangi, masukkin ayam/dagingnya, tambahin black/white pepper, gula, kalo udah mau mateng, masukkin makaroni rebus, susu, setengah kotak keju cheddar dipotong dadu, oregano... masak teruuussss sampe kira-2 susu nya agak sat dan bumbu meresap, masukkin 1 kuning telur dikocok, baru parut pala kering atau kalau ada pala bubuk.. masak hingga matang

Taru di pinggan tahan panas (pyrex), siapin panggangan berapa derajat yaa? terserah deh yg penting panas, masukkin makaroni dan teman-temannya, panggang 20 menit, keluarin dari panggangan, masukkin kocokan 2 kuning telor, parut keju yang sisa setengah sampe di atasnya ketutupan keju semua, panggang lagi sekitar 10-15 menit..
jadi deh... tinggal dibiarin dingin sebentar, potong-potong, trus pake saos sambel cocol.. sedaaappp...

Monday, November 6, 2006

Agung's Baby Boy

Telah lahir ke dunia, hari Minggu tanggal 5 November 2006, bayi laki-laki mungil dari Agung dan Ida.. Katanya sih mau dinamain Rafi, dan waktu gue nengok, anaknya ngga rewel, lucu dan menyenangkan untuk diliat.

Semoga menjadi anak yang berbakti, ngga nakal, ngga ngerusakin koleksi mainan Star Wars Bapak, ngga pupup sembarangan, ngga teriak-teriak bikin eyang senewen, ngga mecahin barang-barang, ngga ngerusuhi kalo Bunda lagi masak.. hihiiii....

Tuesday, September 5, 2006

My one and only: Steve Irwin

Malam ini, gue sedikit terhenyak baca, "Steve Irwin 'Crocodile Hunter' Meninggal"..
Hgghhh... gue nge fans banget sama si Steve, gayanya yang kocak bawain acara yang menurut gue sarat akan pengetahuan binatang liar (secara gue males banget ngeliat uler kalo beneran) dan logat Australia yang kental banget, bikin gue tertarik buat liat dia paling sering di Animal Planet.

Katanya sih dia lagi bikin dokumentasi dasar laut di Batt Reef, sama temen skaligus produsernya si John Stainton, trus dia berenang di atas ikan pari dan kesengat stingray di ekor ikan pari yang beracun di dadanya dan tembus ke jantung.

Trus, gue berpikir, dia pasti seneng bisa meninggal dengan cara itu.. karena dia cinta banget sama semua binatang di bumi ini, dia ubah state of mind orang-orang bahwa binatang tuh bukan monster.. waktu itu dia pernah bilang "if I can touch an animal, I'll make people touch their hearts". Filosofi yang menurut gue, dia pengen semua orang sayang sama binatang.. ngga ada lagi yang koleksi gigi buaya, atau makan sirip hiu, atau beli cula badak, mamerin gading gajah... dia cuma pengen orang cinta sama binatang... apapun itu..
Dia bener-bener jadi ikon presenter wildlife.. sekarang, banyak yang punya acara wildlife tapi tetep aja si Steve yang bisa kasih pendekatan yang "beda"..

Gue jadi inget, waktu dia ngenalin istrinya, Terry, yang waktu itu baru ikut-ikut acaranya dia.. mereka pergi ke suatu danau yang banyak ular berbisanya.. malem-malem, tiba-tiba perahunya kebalik dan semua kecebur ke danau.. dengan muka setengah panik, dia cuma bilang, "I'm okay,mate.." sambil naik lagi ke perahu.. and I lost the snake.. sembari lupa kalo istrinya masih kecebur.. 
Crikey, that's a pretty snakes! padahal mana kita bisa liat tu uler cakep apa ngga.. tetep aja geli kalee..
well, Steve.. so long,mate..! life without you will not be the same anymore, especially for Terry, Bindi and Robert..

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

JD Fortune: He's such a human being indeed

“Sometimes we’re just Being Human, but we’re always Human Beings.” - JD Fortune."
This incredibly handsome man sings with soul. Raised in the Canadian countryside just outside of Nova Scotia, JD started performing at a very young age. Despite being 31 years old, JD experienced enough for a lifetime's worth of song lyrics. 

Can you believe that JD even making a living as an Elvis impersonator? Gossshhh....

JD share his experience into words to become a beautiful lyrics and show his musical talent to the world.

I love watching JD perform in his 2 video-clip debut, Afterglow and Pretty Vegas.. love his tattoo, love his voice and love everything about JD..
His expressions show his hard-life experiences yet still hiding some mysteries.. 

JD is now ready to become the new lead singer for INXS, a band of which he has always been a die-hard fan. I'm happy for you, my dear JD..
I'm waiting for INXS to have a concert in Indonesia.. so I can watch you perform (on TV for sure.. heheheeeeee....)

...touch me and I will follow in your afterglow... heal me from all this sorrow
As I let you go I will find my way, I will sacrifice
Now I'm living in your afterglow...

read another touching words from JD here

Monday, May 1, 2006

Let me Introduce, Ade, Ade and Ade

Berbahagialah kalian semua sebagai anak bungsu (paling kecil, ragil) yang ngga dipanggil "Ade", karena.. jadi bingung..

Ceritanya begini..
Suatu hari, kakak pertama gue melahirkan anak ke-2 dan diberi nama "Ryojiro", kemudian, 2 tahun kemudian, kakak kedua gue, juga melahirkan anak ke-2 dan diberi nama "Maureen" yang pada akhirnya, si bungsu-bungsu ini dipanggil dengan.. yess.. you're right! Ade.

Sementara itu, dari gue kecil dan karena keberadaan gue sebagai anak bungsu, dengan suksesnya gue juga dipanggil dengan "Ade", so.. kalau seluruh keluarga ngumpul, let say waktu Lebaran, terjadilah kebingungan-2 ngga jelas karena si mamah mamah pada manggilin anaknya dengan nama yang sama... hhmmm you are right again.. "Ade".

Keponakan-2 gue yg lucu-2 dan menggemaskan itu, manggil gue dengan panggilan keren "Eya", dan protes pertama dateng dari Ryojiro waktu nyokapnya secara ngga sengaja manggil gue dengan Ade, dia bilang, "Mah, yang bener dong kalo manggil, aku kan ade, kalo eya ya eya.." hhmmm.. bener juga sih, tapi si Maureen mendengar percakapan ini dan dengan polosnya dia bilang," Eya Ade, Mas Ryo Ade, Aku Ade.."
Pffhhhh.... bingung deh..

Tuesday, March 7, 2006

9 Benefits of Water to the Body

Do you know precisely how water benefits the health of the body? Maybe you have heard or read some time ago that water is a component vital to the body. That, in fact, water is more than just a thirst quencher; routinely drinking 8 - 10 glasses of water per day can helps the various bodily systems function optimally.


1. Healthy skin. Drinking enough water guards the level of moisture in the skin and protects it from external drying factors, such as the heat. Water is very important for preserving the elasticity and softness of the skin, as well as guarding against dryness.

2. Protects and lubricates muscle and joint movements. A large segment of the fluids protecting and lubricating muscle and joint movements is water. Drinking water before, during and after physical activity means minimizing the risk of muscle cramping and fatigue.

3. Stabilizes body temperature. Sweating is a mechanism for controlling the temperature of the body. In order to sweat, the body requires an adequate supply of water.

4. Clears away toxins. The adequate consumption of water assists the kidneys and liver to expel toxins from the body.

5. Stabilizes Digestion. The consumption of adequate amounts of water assists the digestive process that takes place in the large intestine. This helps prevent constipation by facilitating the movement of the intestines so that waste (feces) can be expelled easily.

6. Fulfills the body’s need for liquid. On the average, every adult loses approximately 10 glasses of fluid daily. The release of these fluids occurs through sweating, breathing, urinating and defecating. Any deficit in bodily fluids, even a minimal one, can cause major disturbances, such as headaches, fatigue and anxiety.

7. Minimizes risk of heart attack. Researchers at Loma Linda University in California did a study of 20,000 healthy men and women, and found that the respondents who drank 5 or more glasses of water per day, had a decreased risk of heart attack in comparison to those who drank fewer than 2 glasses of water a day.

8. Minimizes risk of infection of bodily organs. The adequate consumption of water can prevent the formation of kidney stones and decrease the risk of infection of the kidneys and the urinary tract. Results of a study published by JAMA (the Journal of the American Medical Association) pat the end of 2004, states that women who drink at least 5 glasses of water every day have a 45% smaller chance of experiencing intestinal cancer than those drinking only 2 glasses daily.

9. Restores Bodily Condition. Consumption of adequate amounts of water when ill has the benefit of reducing fever and replacing lost bodily fluids, which facilitates healing.

Find other exciting articles about water here